"It is hard to think of a European country more incompetently run in the past 20 years than Iceland.


Glöggt er gest auga, því er nú ver og miður. En það rifjast upp að hægt er að verja málstað erfiðra hagsmunamála ef enn eru til meðal þjóðarinnar menn eins og Jónas Árnason sem talaði tjalanna niður á vælustall í landhelgisdeilum á sínum tíma. Hvar er nú slíkir snillingar?.

"Meltdown Iceland", eftir Roger Boyes blaðamann fær góða dóma í Sunday Times

"It is hard to think of a European country more incompetently run in the past 20 years than Iceland.  The credit crunch bankrupted the nation."

"Boyes reproduces in its entirety the chilling transcript of the telephone conversation between Britain's chancellor, Alastair Darling and his Icelandic counterpart, Arni Matthiasson, as the news broke that the Icelandic banks were intending to default on their obligations to their British customers. 'We are in a very, very difficult situation' wails Matthiasson. 'I can see that'  says Darling ... in the quietly threatening manner of a mafia accountant who wants his boss's money back."

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